Geographic Information System of the City of Split
The city of Split has introduced a modern system for asset management based on GIS technology. By setting up the asset management system, the City of Split (SUI-ST) realizes collection, protection, processing, analysis and rendering of spatial data. This technology is applied wherever it is necessary to link spatial data with textual and/or attribute data, and based on it perform the analyses needed. The project of introducing GIS technology involves also all utilities and other companies interested in its joint realization and implementation, i.e. all institutions responsible for maintaining the databases that are beyond the responsibility of the City government, which are necessary for efficient addressing of issues in scope. Such organizations have reached appropriate agreements with the City government. The system is based on modern GIS and Web-GIS technology, incorporating both data and data maintenance procedures; such procedures ensure data collection, editing and updating in the long run and at high quality level. The database is built through acquisition and processing of proprietary data, external official data (SGA, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy...) and specialized external data (digital orthophoto - DOP, satellite images, etc.). System maintenance, as well as any defined exchange of data, takes place mostly by applying the principles of interoperability and the corresponding services. On one hand the system is intended for use within the city government, while on the other hand the utility companies, concessionaires and the businesses in the city, as well as public audience, via the internet. The basic objectives of the e-Croatia 2007 programme are to provide citizens and businesses with timely information and active participation in society through an information network system, managing and connecting the Croatian economy, a comprehensive exchange of information and experience in the world of business and entrepreneurship, and equipping the state to become transparent, swift and efficient service. In line with that setting SUI-ST (or AMS-ST - Asset Management System Split) is defined as an open system that allows data exchange with all stakeholders and with the public in a standardized way and using standard exchange formats. The system interoperability allows for interconnecting the business processes that can greatly vary from the organizational, semantic and technical point of view, while maintaining their independence in terms of administrative procedures and business processes, in other words the established legal and business autonomy is not disturbed.
Ključne riječi: GIS, Split, city government, interoperability