Dana infrastrukture prostornih podataka (IPP)
Keynote speakers
Hugo de Groof Directorate-General Environment Chief Scientist, Research and Innovation Unit European Commission INSPIRE TEAM Eurostat – DG Environment – Joint Research Centre |
Rik Wouters EULIS Managing Director |
Trakas OGC, Director European Services |
Prof. Dr. Vlado Cetl University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy Scientific/Technical Project Officer at JRC in Ispra, Italy |
Dr. Andreas Wytzisk Project manager and INSPIRE Expert, con terra GmbH |
Preliminary Program
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012
Venue: Hotel International, Zagreb, Croatia – Room: Grand
Session 1
September 27, 2012
8:00 - 9:00 |
Registration |
9:00 - 9:30 |
Opening, welcome addresses |
Keynote presentations
9:30 - 9:50 |
Hugo de Groof The INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC in the EU Environmental Acquis |
9:50 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:00 Announcing the Ideas Competition by INSPIRATION Project – Room: Kornati
(media event)
Session 2
Keynote presentations – September 27, 2012 , 10:30 - 11:50
1. |
Rik Wouters |
State of Play EULIS |
2. |
Athina Trakas |
OGC: Open Standards, Programs and Processes |
3. |
Vlado Cetl Katalin Tóth Paul Smits |
INSPIRE from the JRC Point of View |
4. |
Andreas Wytzisk |
Implementing SDI – Status Quo, Lessons Learned & the Road Ahead |
11:50 – 12:30 Panel discussion
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
Session 3
September 27, 2012, 13:30 - 15:20
Presentations on the vision of development of regional NSDI's - Inspiration project beneficiaries
1. |
Besnik Como |
Immovable Property Central Registration Office of the Republic of Albania |
2. |
Nedžad Pašalić |
Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
3. |
Dragan Macanović |
Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
4. |
Tomislav Ciceli |
State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia |
5. |
Avni Ahmeti |
Kosovo Cadastral Agency |
6. |
Sonja Dimova |
Agency for the Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia |
7. |
Božo Pavičević |
Real Estate Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro |
8. |
Dragica Pajić |
Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia |
Presentations on NSDI topics
1. |
Marijo Vranaričić | Implementation of INSPIRE Directive in CEA |
2. |
Anders Östman Gligor Ralev |
Self Financing Mapping and Cadastral Agencies, Data Services and INSPIRE – Is there a conflict? |
15:20 - 16:00 Coffee break
Session 4
Presentations on NSDI topics
September 27, 2012, 16:00 - 17:30
1. | Darko Šiško Jadranka Veselić Bruvo Ana Stručić Sanja Batić Vlado Cetl |
ZG Geoportal in Use |
2. |
Gržetić Bruna Vidović Mladen Srdelić |
Supporting Marine Dimension in Croatian NSDI - Marine Cadastre and Marine SDI Concepts |
3. |
Roland Dragan Divjak |
The Role of Civil Society Organizations in SDI Development |
4. |
Vojkan Gavrilović Petar Šunjić |
Geographic Information System of the City of Split |
5. |
Irena Mitton Dragan Divjak |
ETL Tools as Support for the Harmonization of Spatial Data According to INSPIRE |
6. |
Dragan Divjak Irena Mitton |
Development of INSPIRE Data Specifications |
17:30 Close of the conference
19:30 - 22:00 Social event
ZagrebForum exhibition of the City of Zagreb SDI
19:30 |
Organized departure to the ZagrebForum (Gajeva 27 - near town center) |
20:00 |
Exhibition introduction, welcome cocktail |
22:00 |
Organized return to hotel International |
Keynote speakers
Prof. László Zentai Eötvös University, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Budapest ICA Secretary-General and Treasurer |
Ulrich Boes The Open Geospatial Consortium, Global Advisory Council, Member AGISEE President |
Dr. Chryssy Alex. Potsiou School of Rural & Surveying Engineering National Technical University of Athens FIG Vice-President |
Dr. Joep
Crompvoets Public Management Institute of KU Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration of Melbourne University (Australia) EuroSDR Secretary-General |
Dr. Adam Iwaniak Assist. Prof. at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Member of the ICA Commission on Geoinformation Infrastructures and Standards |
Preliminary Program
Status - September 12, 2012
Registration 8:00 – 10:00, Hotel International, Miramarska 24.
Visit to the Collection of Maps and Atlases of the National and University Library (optional for registered participants of the 8th Cartography and Geoinformation conference).
Walking tour will start in front of the Hotel International at 8:45 in the morning. The visit will end at 9:45.
Welcome addresses – September 28, 2012, 10:00 - 10:10
Blaženka Mičević, MSc, Deputy Director of the State Geodetic Administration
Miljenko Lapaine, PhD, President of the Croatian Cartographic Society
Keynotes – September 28, 2012 in the morning, 10:10 - 11:00
1. |
László Zentai |
The Development of Modern Maps Production: the Example of Topographic and Orienteering maps |
2. |
Chryssy Potsiou | Current Challenges and the Urgent Need for SDI |
11:00 - 11:30 Cofee break
Keynotes – September 28, 2012 in the morning, 11:30 - 12:45
3. |
Ulrich Boes |
European Policy, Financing and Spatial Data |
4. |
Joep Crompvoets |
Performance Assessments of National Spatial Data Infrastructures |
5. |
Adam Iwaniak |
The Role of Metadata and Semantic Web in SDI |
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break
Cartography presentations
September 28, 2012 in the afternoon, 14:00 - 15:30
1. |
Kušan M. Frontasyeva T. Stafilov Z. Špirić |
Visualization and Mapping ICP Vegetation Moss Survey Results in Croatia |
2. |
Darko Herceg |
Cartographic Representation and Analysis of Croatian Census Data From 2001 |
3. |
Odobašić Mario Miler Damir Medak |
Quo Vadis, Web Cartography? |
4. |
Kuveždić Divjak Tomislav Crnić Dražen Tutić |
Possibilities for
Application of Lenticular Print in Thematic Cartography |
5. |
Miljenko Lapaine |
Report about the ICA Commission on Map Projections |
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
September 28, 2012 in the afternoon, 16:00 - 16:45
7. |
Tutić Miljenko Lapaine |
New Line Generalisation Algorithm Implemented as a Web Service – Our Experiences |
8. |
Rajaković Ivka Kljajić Miljenko Lapaine |
Accuracy Research of the Map Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae parte by G. Mercator |
9. |
Mirko Husak |
The Latest Research about Fernando Consag (1703–1759), On the Occasion of 310th Anniversary of His Birth |
Geoinformation / AGISEE presentations
September 28, 2012 in the afternoon, 14:00 - 15:30
1. |
Hans Viehmann |
How to Operate a Spatial Data Infrastructure Efficiently |
2. | Zlatko Horvat |
Free Open Source Software for Geoinformatics /FOSS4G), A Practical Example – System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) |
3. |
Hervé Pichon |
LITTO3D : A 3D Seamless Representation of French Coastal Areas |
4. | Tahsin
Yomralioglu Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu |
Turkey National GIS Structure and Development of Geo-data Standards |
5. | Josip
Lisjak Vlado Cetl Hrvoje Matijević |
Pilot Project Establishment of Croatian Railways Infrastructure GIS – PISIP HŽ |
6. | Marija Brajković |
Linking Land Books and the Books of Contracts – The Role of Geodesy |
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
September 28, 2012 in the afternoon, 16:00 - 17:00
Non-Governmental Organizations for Spatial Data Infrastructure Project (NGO4SDI)
1. |
Luka Jovičić |
Non-Governmental Organizations for Spatial Data Infrastructure Project (NGO4SDI) – Project Closing Introduction and Overview |
2. |
Vlado Cetl |
SDI Possibilities for NGOs |
3. |
Martin Trajchev |
NGOs and the Use of GIS/SDI in their Current Operation |
4. |
Simon Vrečar Luka Jovičić |
Knowledge Transfer for NGOs within SDI |
AGISEE General Assembly
28 September 2012 in the afternoon, 17:00 - 18:30
Stručni izlet u Hrvatsko zagorje
Polazak iz Zagreba u 9:00 sati ispred hotela International. Vožnja autobusom do Krapine. Odlazak do okaliteta Hušnjakovo, gdje su pronađeni ostaci paleolitskog čovjeka, jednog od najstarijih stanovnika Europe – obilazak i razgledavanje u pratnji stručnog vodiča - kustosa. Ovaj najsofisticiraniji hrvatski muzej, remek djelo paleontologa Jakova Radovčića i arhitekta Željka Kovačića, uz pomoć interaktivnih instalacija i multimedijskih simulacija dočarava ne samo čudesan život krapinskog pračovjeka, već i evoluciju te početak svijeta.
Nakon razgledavanja, kraća pauza za kavu, a zatim šetnja centrom Krapine uz kraći razgled (Šetalište Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda, Gajeva rodna kuća). Nakon šetnje odlazak na Trški vrh s posjetom crkvi sv. Marije.
Vožnja do Sv. Križa Začretje gdje ćemo posjetiti dvorac Jankodvor u kojem ćemo prisustvovati multimedijalnoj prezentaciji o Hrvatskom zagorju i dvorcima Hrvatskog zagorja. Dvorac u Svetom Križu Začretju dominira obronkom zapadno od nedaleke Zagorske magistrale na potezu između Zaboka i Krapine. Sv. Križ Začretje drevno je naselje Krapinsko-zagorske županije kojeg jezgru čini osobito skladni barokni trg s crkvom na sjeveru te s parkom i dvorcem na jugu. Kasnobarokni dvorac (2680 m2), je impozantna grofovska rezidencija, koju su gradile obitelji Keglević u 17. i Sermage u 18. stoljeću.
Nakon prezentacije posjet muzeju Žitnica u kojem ćemo razgledati stalne postave tradicionalnih zagorskih alata i sl., kao što su: Božić u kući moje bake, od konoplja do narodne nošnje, galerija I. Lovrenčić itd.
Slijedi odlazak na pitoreskno imanje Vuglec Breg gdje ćemo uživati u degustaciji nekoliko sorti kvalitetnih vina uz zanimljivu priču o zagorskim vinogradima i proizvodnji vina.
Nakon degustacije vina, slijedi kasni objed u duhu tradicijskog zagorskog blagovanja u ugodnom ambijentu restorana Vuglec Breg:
Kokošja juha sa domaćim rezancima
Naravni odrezak s umakom od šumskih gljiva
Domaći njoki i kroketi
Domaća kokoš s mlincima
Miješana salata
2 dl vina ili soka po osobi
Povratak u Zagreb u kasnim večernjim satima.
Dodatne informacije: mlapaine@geof.hr